Felix Homogratus is the owner of Forex Bastards

There is an on going investigation into the activities of Dmitri Chavkerov Poster child of 21 century Internet fraud as you know or may not know he has been under investigation for a number of things for the last few years and charges have been placed against his criminal partner in a fraudulent scheme to defraud the people of the united states. Its people like this that have made the need for homeland security a must. We must all do our due diligence to detect fraudsters and terrorist. There are also numerous complaints by investors and a pending case of identity theft and transmission of personal banking information on a female victim.
As well as black mail, slander and defamation. Its time to bring Mr. Dmitri Chavkerov to justice, arrest have already been made more are sure to follow if your company has been a victim of black mail, false slander or you have lost money from his services or products or feel he has caused you financial harm please contact www.ic3.gov or your report can be documented by the arresting agent [William James Cunningham ] Documentation of the current case can be found at: >>
Mr. Dmitri has made headlines around the world for his cutting edge class of fraud. And is the first to be caught in this type of online fraud. Based on current information he is pretending to be a trading expert but based on financial statements he has lost a large sum of money in trading the Forex market and all of his current income is from fraudulent product sales. He scares people into not buying or trusting his competitor's products then thru his massive network of Forex sites sell them his Forex product.
Scare then magic solution that many internet scammers & fraudsters use today.
He hides behind other names and web-sites and shady people.
U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) was established in March 2003 as the largest investigative arm of the Department of Homeland Security. ICE is comprised of five integrated divisions that form a 21st century law enforcement agency with broad responsibilities for a number of key homeland security priorities.
ForexBastards.com Felix - Dmitri Chavkerov Mr. Dimitri has made headlines around the world for his cutting edge class of Forex fraud. Online Internet
I found many fake scams there about fxcm
You know, i think there is a new law that if you slander someone on the internet, you can get arrested... Keep it up
Those bastards said that oanda scam
Oanda's not a scam you bozo.
You must be one of the con artist Felix is warning about on his site
Oanda is a credible broker -
Go back to your hole.
Pilot22 i m not but your father felix is master of idiots and you pilot jack ass of felix why your ass is burning
thats what he do he trap people with email, and threat you with email, he sell emails to third parties and you will get junk emails.
tom yoman 99% loosing trades.
So you never answered me. Why do you think Oanda is a scam? Please post actual proof, don't say "someone told me" or something like that.
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