
FPA Helps FX Solutions and AVAFX

Helping FX Solutions and AVAFX

Among that enormous numbers of brokers there appear FX Solutions and AVAFX, two brokerage firms. Concerning FX Solutions, we found in this company profile that it has been existed since 2001 and its activity has began to run since 2003, while you can actually and easily know that it has been known among traders and brokers since 2006. Also, the owner of FX Solutions is the brother in law of the Bastards' Master, Felix or Coffman, and this company is registered in the States, which is their mother country. And the emergence of FX Solutions accompanies the emergence of Forex Bastards, which was changed to be Forex Peace Army.

On the other hand, AVAFX- a well known brokerage firm- is registered in Tel Aviv. So what one can actually think about Israeli strategies? For their strategy depends on taking other shapes of the same thing as a curtain for them. Both of these two brokers are affirmed by FPA as the best brokerage firms to deal with and they give them the highest rank in their reviews.

Felix by doing so adopts these two brokerage firms to make them reach their highest top. And no body even asks himself about the real reason behind that.

FX Solutions Lies

FX Solutions Swallow the Market

There is no doubt that the majority of you know what FX Solutions is. It is one of the greatest brokerage firms in our Forex Market, which is given the highest rank by FPA in their reviews.

Among that enormous numbers of brokers there appear FX Solutions. Concerning FX Solutions, we found in this company profile that it has been existed since 2001 and its activity has began to run since 2003, while you can actually and easily know that it has been known among traders and brokers since 2006. Also, the owner of FX Solutions is the brother in law of the Bastards' Master, Felix or Coffman, and this company is registered in the States, which is their mother country. And the emergence of FX Solutions accompanies the emergence of Forex Bastards, which was changed to be Forex Peace Army.

Thus, after affirming the credibility and reliability of FX Solutions it can be concerned one of the best brokers to trade with. By doing so, FX Solutions is swallowing the market, for all reviews about it affirms its goodness.

Forex Family Bastards

Forex Family Bastards

Actually all of you know about Forex Bastards, which is changed now to be Forex Peace Army. And you know also that this FPA is owned by Felix or Coffman, Bastards' Master.

Among that enormous numbers of brokers there appear FX Solutions. Concerning FX Solutions, we found in this company profile that it has been existed since 2001 and its activity has began to run since 2003, while you can actually and easily know that it has been known among traders and brokers since 2006. Also, the owner of FX Solutions is the brother in law of the Bastards' Master, Felix or Coffman, and this company is registered in the States, which is their mother country. And the emergence of FX Solutions accompanies the emergence of Forex Bastards, which was changed to be Forex Peace Army.

Thus, achieving what may be called Forex Family Bastards.

The Owner of FX Solutions

Image used to convey the idea of currency conversion (originally from en.wikipedia). The signs are (clockwise from top-left): dollar, euro, pound, shekel, đồng, yen.Image via Wikipedia

The Owner of FX Solutions

There is no doubt that the majority of you know what FX Solutions is. It is one of the greatest brokerage firms in our Forex Market, which is given the highest rank by FPA in their reviews.

After investigations and analysis, we come to the fact that FX Solutions is owned by Felix or Coffman's brother in law!!!

So, Felix owns Forex Peace Army and his brother in law owns FX Solutions, Felix works for the favor of his brother in law and gives his brokerage firm the highest rank. Thus, traders can easily trust and go trading there.

Concerning FX Solutions, we found in this company profile that it has been existed since 2001 and its activity has began to run since 2003, while you can actually and easily know that it has been known among traders and brokers since 2006. And the emergence of FX Solutions accompanies the emergence of Forex Bastards, which was changed to be Forex Peace Army.

Here seems to have a circle between these brothers. They achieved what we call Link uterus, for they are relatively working for the sake of each other.

FX Solutions and AVAFX Secrets

About FX Solutions and AVAFX Secrets

There is no doubt that in any field there are many branches. In Forex Market, there are banks, brokers, investors, traders, clients, etc… The main thing that differs a broker from the other is its reliability and credibility.

Among that enormous numbers of brokers there appear FX Solutions and AVAFX, two brokerage firms. Concerning FX Solutions, we found in this company profile that it has been existed since 2001 and its activity has began to run since 2003, while you can actually and easily know that it has been known among traders and brokers since 2006. Also, the owner of FX Solutions is the brother in law of the Bastards' Master, Felix or Coffman, and this company is registered in the States, which is their mother country. And the emergence of FX Solutions accompanies the emergence of Forex Bastards, which was changed to be Forex Peace Army.

On the other hand, AVAFX- a well known brokerage firm- is registered in Tel Aviv. Both of these two brokers are affirmed by FPA as the best brokerage firms to deal with and they give them the highest rank in their reviews.

So, there is an obvious link here between these three angles of the same triangle. But only he who wants to see the truth will notice it.

Unrecognized Forex Owners

The owner of FPA

There is an effective yet a real quote that says "life is so small". Actually, not all of us believe in it, but there are facts and actions in our daily life that may have a proof for it.

For instance, in our Forex Market we used to hear about scams and spammers, but are all what we hear real or fake? Who knows!!

Many if not all traders in Forex Market may hear about Forex Peace Army, the forums site that aims to make reviews about brokers, which are actually Fake Reviews. This site's owner is known as Felix, but his real name is Coffman, the fact we attain recently. He owns many other sites of brokerage firms and forums, like MB Trading.

His black business begins to have an imprint in Forex Market, for there are many traders begin to be either afraid or hesitated from dealing with certain brokers, which are actually patent.

Secrets Of Forex Peace Army

Secrets of Felix

After investigations we came up with Felix's secrets (Bastards' Master). His real name is Coffman. He is an American citizen; he is a rich man from a rich family.

Moreover, Coffman is the owner of MB Trading- a brokerage firm- which is registered in the States. Also, his brother in law is one of the owners of FX Solutions, which is a brokerage firm also registered in the States.

So, Coffman, or as all of you used to call him a Felix, is the owner of Forex Peace Army (FPA, which was Forex Bastards before), Forex Diamonds, King Signal Forex, and there is the newest predicate that is owned by him.

After all previous announcements, there is no need to show you who Coffman (Felix) is, the bastard who make allegations about other patent brokers, and at the same time working for the sake of his own broker and his brother's too!!!

FX Solutions Swallow the Market

FX Solutions Swallow the Market

Our mission here is to show the truth and trying to save Forex Market from those bastards. Actually, no body knows what is going around Forex Circle. Many brokers, banks, traders and among them links for black firms that intend to attract and build propaganda that makes traders feel confused, hesitated, afraid, disturbed, and dissatisfied from their brokers, Why?

FX Solutions dealing room:

After investigation in a certain circumstances, we knew a friend working in FX Solutions dealing room who is not interested in his current job and asked me for finding a job for him. While I was talking with him about his company, I heard a voice telling me FPA!!

The owner of FX Solutions is Jewish that reveals the Jewish plan

Forex Blackmail Under The Table

Blackmail under the Table

As an opposing fact to reality, there is the invisible side of human relationships. This anonymous way is only for those whose actions are mean to fear from displaying it in public. What a ridiculous fact!!

Relatively, this has been already displaying in our Forex Market as well as in our daily life. And unfortunately no body but the minority observes this.

Bastards' Master, Felix who considers himself the Great Savior of innocent traders, doesn't name or mention these two firms in his scam attack. And no body asks himself for the reason behind that, or why these two brokerage firms are the only best brokers. Instead, all what he does is