
BuyForexSignals SCAM WARNING

Felix Gives BuyForexSignals A Helping Hand

As a matter of fact, Felix, as he pretends, cannot ignore those who need his help to rise up. Of course, the dark fact of Felix Homogratus is clear and obvious in front of all around the web. And every time the fact declared is nothing but a shock, a shock that this bastard still exists till now among us in FOREX world.

As a white, peace bird as he pretends, Felix is trying to pick up BuyForexSignals from being unknown to be nominated as the best signal provider for traders. And the main and real reason behind this is actually his ownership of BuyForexSignals, which is not a strange fact about him and is not the first time to discover such a mean nature of him.

And among our advocators, we find a poll made about Felix at ForexClown website in which they trace his steps into Forex market. They write there:

"If you scrutinize the About Me page you build Felix's Forex Timeline and most noticeable thing is how quickly he progressed from strugging in Forex to running multiple Forex businesses / services. There is nothing inherently wrong with the timeline except that no one could become a master of Forex news trading while concurrently opening and running all the other associated services.

The bottom line is that Felix is an accomplished marketer not a top tier news trader.

News trading is suspect anyways. Considering the cost of the service we find it hard to believe that it remains a viable option. However, he definitely isn't the dirtest dude in Forex; he apparently honors the money back guarantee."
They also mention
Felix's websites,,,,,,

ForexPeaceArmy Joined Facebook

Felix in FaceBook

Recently, we discover that Felix not only rushes into FOREX market, but also he seems to break in Facebook, the most famous social network. We have received many complaints from many traders that there is an account at FaceBook with the name of Felix Homogratus, who adds people who are interested in Forex and traders as well. Felix has many and many friends on his account.

Felix uses this trick to add many Forex traders and exploits them to send them signals and reviews, which are all fake and aren't related to reality by a tiny relation. Certainly, Felix's aim is not just to add friends at FaceBook as any ordinary man who likes to make friends and so forth, but his aim is wider than that to be for practicing his dirty job, as in ForexPeaceArmy, to mislead as many traders as possible and recruit them to trade for his favor only.

As reaching truth is the main aim, you can find Felix's profile at
and the group of ForexPeaceArmy on FaceBook at

So traders, take care of this bastard for he seems to delve into our life forcefully without realization from us. Hope one day we can get rid of this nightmare.

Zemanta Pixie

FPA Scam Investigations Committee

Last night’s sold-out film screening at NYU drew a number of Forex traders who are complaining.

One of them was about to cry!!.

I received last night an email from a trader as I think saying:

As a trader , your blog affected my strategy in trading to become RISK Without Fear, really touched me deeply.

I think that it is important for Traders who are scammed by ForexPeaceArmy to know the truth and understand the purpose of those bastards. Traders need to know that instead of receiving wrong signals and non-real news about brokers from forexpeacearmy, they can and should handle the truth.

ForexPeaceArmy Community consists of some writers like Rob Grespi, technical analysts like Peter Bain, Educators like Felix (Dimitry), Investigator like Kan Zhong, secretary like Yuliya (Girl Friend of Felix).

Of course, our critics are loud and legion. ForexPeaceArmy insist that all brokers are scam, all signal providers are scam, all money managers are scam, all education providers are scam and if there any traders or any one post good reviews aboout any broker they say that this one work for him. So?

I'm Going to contact Traders, Brokers, Money Managers, Introducing Brokers, Education Providers, Signals Providers and any one has a relation with Forex Market. Then I will ask them to tell me their reviews about ForexPeaceArmy.

"Let's make weekly Analysis about those bastards and
see the comments from others about them......"

Zemanta Pixie