The circle of scam charges seems to be an endless circle drawn by Felix and other FPA members. It seems that all Forex organizations are totally scams according to Detective Felix.
Felix finds a successful and a project that attracts many traders, which is called TradeOracle.
It is software that Forex traders can use in their trading. This software is certified by many big organizations and it has taken IZO Certificate of being technically great software.
Certainly, in addition to being a successful project, the reason also why Felix scams it is that he wanted to make software too. So he should wipe off any other competitor to him.
First, one of Felix's soldiers called WoodCrusher claims that "the software did not work for him and requested a refund". Then, WoodCrusher makes a dispute with the owner of this software, Tony Awunor, to make it more logical and to make his charge more laudable.
Then, Felix has faked an imaginary poll about this software to convince traders of his bad claims. Felix claims that this poll comes up with 72 in favor of scam, and 15 against. And what is amazing is that this poll was allowed only to Forex Peace Army members to vote for. And after this poll Felix stay put at the must of returning WoodCrusher his money 4.500 Euros.
And hence, Felix puts TradeOracle under his famous statement of scam, "TradeOracle is hereby blacklisted by the Forex Peace Army".
But what makes this software a bad one that makes traders lose their money, and what makes Tony Awunor a fraud since his software only costs 4.500 Euros and it has been guaranteed by many organizations. Why such a person will gain only 4.500 Euros to lose millions of dollars and a well-built reputation among traders. Of course mind refuses to deal with such vacant lies.